The Chamber of Digital Economy has set up a new group for retailers expanding into ecommerce

The Chamber of Digital Economy has set up a new group for retailers expanding into ecommerce

The rapid growth of ecommerce means that more and more industries are getting interested. The biggest retailers are turning to this channel increasingly often, because they see it as a new area for growth of their business. Responding to the needs of the market, the e-Chamber is creating a new group within its structures, exclusively for the representatives of the retail industry. The e-Chamber Retailers Group is taking off in 2019.

The idea to set up such a group is consistent with the Chamber of Digital Economy’s strategy and activities. The e-Chamber invites board representatives to the Retailers Group. The Group will work on issues related to new technologies, says Patrycja Sass-Staniszewska, the President of the Chamber of Digital Economy.

The e-Chamber Retailers Group is a closed group comprising representatives of the retail industry who are already involved in e-commerce, or are planning to add it to their business. The objective of the Group is to support retailers in e-commerce development, and to aid them in implementing changes that facilitate the growth of omnichannel and intelligent retail approaches at their organizations. The Group will be supported by Polish and international experts with experience in implementing organizational change at the board level.

Group for retailers

In 2019, the Group will be led by Dorota Bachman, Member of the Board of the Chamber of Digital Economy and the CEO of Ravelo.

Business growth is becoming more and more challenging. Until recently, the Polish economy was driven by the availability of relatively cheap and highly qualified labor, and European Union financing for many activities. Now growth is driven by digitization. According to experts, it will add ca. 270 billion zloty to the GDP over the next 6-7 years. Therefore, as a leading organization in the Polish market that brings together over 200 e-commerce companies, we have decided to launch a new group that will provide support to the retail industry. Our associated companies include ones specializing in logistics, platform solutions, payments, digital marketing and many other areas. We are convinced that the actions of the new Group will be met with strong interest on the part of retailers, who, as we can see, are clearly accelerating their e-commerce-related projects. Dorota Bachman, Member of the Board of the Chamber of Digital Economy and CEO of Ravelo.

Another person who supports the idea behind the new Group is Jakub Gierszyński, Member of the Board of the Chamber of Digital Economy.

The Polish e-commerce market has been growing rapidly for a few years now. It generates 40 billion zloty in revenues, and its growth has been in double digits every year. Over 70% of Poles systematically use the Internet, and this is where they set out on their path to purchase. It usually ends at a physical store. Having a working e-commerce channel is the absolute minimum allowing a brand to compete in today’s retail world. Building your own e-commerce arm is not limited to choosing the right technology, hiring a team and shipping products sold. A mindful entry into the digital channels results in a true revolution in an organization. Responding to the market’s needs, the Chamber of Digital Economy has decided to create this new Group, stresses Jakub Gierszyński, Member of the Board of the Chamber of Digital Economy and E-Commerce & Marketing Director at Inter Cars S.A.

Polish eommerce market

The Retailers Group concept has generated interests among the members of our organization. One of its supporters is Wojciech Zięba, e-Commerce and Omnichannel Director at Decathlon.

Omnichannel is growing very rapidly in the retail industry and globally there are many examples of this strategy in action. The retail industry, which serves millions of customers every day in different sectors and areas, is also a great gauge of the practical application of the omnichannel strategy in the market. Companies operating in this industry must be very flexible and agile in adjusting to changes happening in the market. With the breakneck pace of the growth of technology, which can streamline processes and provide new communication and sales channels, it is of vital importance for retailers to react equally quickly to the changes by implementing new solutions in their day to day activities. Knowledge and information exchange is crucial in the industry so that decisions on the direction of change can be made quickly Wojciech Zięba– e-Commerce and Omnichannel Director, Decathlon.

The President of the Chamber of Digital Economy, Patrycja Sass-Staniszewska, is happy to invite all the representatives of the retail industry to join the Group. The first, inaugural meeting will be held on 23 January.

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The Chamber of Digital Economy has set up a new group for retailers expanding into ecommerce

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